For artistic renditions are but the imprints of our perceptions of nature and everyday experience, an artist’s usual preoccupation is to embody all these fleeting elements into something more tangible.
In Eurasia, the jasmine is one of the most common and popular flowering plants. It is often sought for its herbal healing properties and in most species, the faint fragrance of its effervescent essential oils. Blooms of the common jasmine are a usual sight in my neighborhood, and everyday, I pass by a corner house that hosts several bushes.
One time, towards evening, as we were passing by that corner, the little man of our house picked a few of these flowers, and handed them over to me. Now this is what came about the next morning with a few sheets of colored scraps and my trusty x-acto knife on hand.
I don’t know exactly why, but the jasmine reminded me of the baptismal font, when traditionally, dama de noches are the favored flowers to adorn such. So I cut out from different kinds of paper to make this baby, a few more flowers, a candle, and a font, but this I had to put aside, I didn’t really get to finish the card and I must have kept the cutouts pressed in one of the heavy books, that this day they are not yet found 🙂