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Deuteronomy 6:4-9

The Shema is a Biblical passage customarily prayed by our Jewish brothers in the morning upon rising from sleep and before resting in the night. In our itinerary for Christian formation we also consider the Shema as a very significant word which one must inscribe to heart, inculcate among children, pray constantly, and remember at all times.

2019 Shema Project, done in glitter cardstock and metallic foil. This is posted right on our front door.
2020 Shema Project, cardstock hamsa cutout

I was trying to finish yet another Shema project but earlier in the day, when I was cleaning the teapot to brew the coffee in, the insides of the pot had a sharp rim trim that cut deep into my palm and wrist, rending my hand from continuing needlepoint work for now.

brewing injury

Well, who could have thought that the insides of the pot could cut be as sharp as a knife blade? I hope the wounds heal fast so I can get back onto these soon!

S. 2021 Shema Israel No. 2 (5″ diameter inset)